Page Properties and Meta Tags

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Unroole Site Builder Admin Panel - Page meta tags.png

Various page properties and meta tags.

Each version comes with a number of properties and meta tags that can be used to customized the information displayed to browsers when a visitors views the page. Below is a list of common page meta tags and their purpose. For a list of version specific tags see page versioning.

Property Meta Tag Mandatory Description
Title title Yes The name of the page which will appear in the users browser as the title of the page.
Description description Can be used to provide an overall description of the page to be read by screen readers or when scraped by search engines.
Keywords keywords Can be used to provide a list of keywords useful for SEO when the page is scraped by search engines.
Tags Used for internal categorization of the page when searching via the admin panel.
Permalink Yes The path relative to the root of your derived or vanity domain setup by the channel. The permalink must be unique across all pages at any given time to prevent the system from displaying the wrong page to a visitor of the site.
Channel Layout Yes Specifies an override of the channel layout that should be used for a specific version of the page. If left un-changed will be set to the channel default.

It is worth noting that every property is unique per page version. This allows admins to specify different properties for other versions of the same page and create targeted meta information per version.