API Asset Fields

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Field Type Description
id integer
name string The display name of the asset.
description string
file_name string The name of the file associated with this asset
content_type string mime-type of the asset Internet media type
file_size integer in bytes
asset_updated_at ISO 8061 datetime When asset was updated (replace the asset, regenerated from original...etc.)
updated_at ISO 8061 datetime When the asset meta data was updated (name, description...etc.)
created_at ISO 8061 datetime When the asset was created
type string
  • Image
  • Pdf
  • Document
video_id string Youtube video id
Field Description
Field Type
width integer
height integer
Field Type
width integer
height integer
Field Type
width integer
height integer
upload_id string Unique string to help with querying for a specific set of assets uploaded in a batch
private boolean Public accessibility of an asset determines if its links can be shared or bookmarked.
sharable boolean Asset can be shared through the Mobile Briefcase
editable boolean Asset can be opened in other applications through the Mobile Briefcase
printable boolean Asset can be printed through the Mobile Briefcase
used boolean If the asset is used in other parts of the cms (gallery, page, collection...etc.)
tags array of strings
url string
Field Description
Field Type
url string
Field Type
url string