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Collections are a way of grouping items to be used in the Mobile Briefcase. Unlike galleries which are used primarily in widgets collections cannot be used in widgets. Collections are broken down into three different sections:

  • Properties - Which control the basic meta information about a collection
  • Items -The items that belong to that collection and can be accessed on the mobile device
  • Users - The users which have access to see the collection.

Accessing Collections

Unroole Admin - Admin Collections.png

The collections section in the unroole admin panel.
  1. Navigate to a Mobile Channel
  2. Click on "Channel Content"
  3. Click on "Collections"

Note: If you do not see the collections selection in the sidebar menu under "Channel Content" its possible that you don't have access to manage collections.


Unroole Admin - Collection Properties Panel.png

Available properties fields available for collections

Each collection has some properties which control how the collection will function on the Mobile Briefcase App. These properties are:

  • Name - The name visible on the mobile briefcase app.
  • Description - For personal categorization in the admin panel. This will not be displayed to users of the collection.
  • Active - Determines whether the collection is ready to be sent to the app.
  • Activate On - When the collection starts being sent to the mobile app. (When active checked)
  • Expires - When the collection will no longer be visible on the mobile app. (When active checked)
  • Never Expires - Indicates that this collection will never expire.
  • Slideshow - Determines if the items in this collection should be automatically rotated.
  • Rotation Speed - Determines the rate at which items in a collection are rotate. (When slideshow checked)

Note that even when the activation date has passed for a collection will not be visible on the mobile briefcase app until the collection is made "Active".


Unroole Admin - Collection Item List.png

The highlighted area displays the items currently available in the collection.

The primary purpose of a collection is to group and make available different pieces of content (or items) from the CMS. Each collection contains a list of items that are available to any mobile briefcase app user that has beed added to the collection. Items in a collection are ordered to make it easier to guide which ones will be displayed first on the mobile application. Collections are similar to galleries in that they can store assets from the Asset Library. However unlike galleries, collections can also store additional types of items from the CMS and cannot be used in widgets. Items that can currently be added to the collection are:

Additionally many of the items that can be added to a collection have the ability to be shared, edited, or printed. These properties can be changed either on the items themselves or when adding items to the collection. See Mobile Briefcase Collection Extensions for more details.

Adding items

Unroole Admin - Collection Item Management.png

Display the item finder and item edit list of a collection.

Items can be added to a collection through a simple bulk add process.

  1. (Optionally) Filter using the standard search bar at the top of the "Add items" panel.
  2. "Check" the items you wish to add to the list
  3. Click "add" to add those items to the list.


  • A maximum of 7 items will be displayed at one time.
  • You can scoll between pages to add multiple items
  • Each page has a checkbox for selecting all items on that page located to the left of the "Name" header
  • The same item can be added many times to the list. This can be useful for guided presentations or slideshows.

Unroole Admin - Collection item management searching.png

Filtering on the nature tag when adding items to a collection

Since its possible to have hundreds or thousands of items available to add to the collection the system gives the ability to filter the available entries. Any of the text fields present on an item can be used to filter the results. This generally includes name, type, tags and sometimes description. After filtering the search results you can add items as normal to the collection.

Removing items

Unroole Admin - Collection List Delete Item.png

Highlighting the delete button for items in the collection list.

Items in the collection list can be removed through an extremely simple process.

  1. Navigate to the collection list
  2. Find the item you wish to remove in the list
  3. Click the "Delete" icon to remove the item from the list.


Unroole Admin - Collection Users.png

Listing out the users in the collection.

Each collection has the ability to add mobile users. Users who are added to the collection have access to see the items in that collection. All mobile briefcase users are managed on the Account and are implicitly available on the channel when they are added to a collection.