API Collections Create Update Parameter

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|- | unroole_sorted_playlist[description] | | ~17000 characters | | The description of the collection. |- | unroole_sorted_playlist[active] | | | boolean | Make the playlist active or deactivate (dis-regardless of the active/deactivate date). |- | unroole_sorted_playlist[activate_at(1i)] | | | integer | Activate at year |- | unroole_sorted_playlist[activate_at(2i)] | | | integer (1-12) | Activate at month |- | unroole_sorted_playlist[activate_at(3i)] | | | integer (1-31) | Activate at day |- | unroole_sorted_playlist[deactivate_at(1i)] | | | integer | Activate at year |- | unroole_sorted_playlist[deactivate_at(2i)] | | | integer (1-12) | Activate at month |- | unroole_sorted_playlist[deactivate_at(3i)] | | | integer (1-31) | Activate at day |- | unroole_sorted_playlist[disable_deactivation] | | | boolean | Disable the deactivation date so that the collection will never expire. |- | unroole_sorted_playlist[playlist] | | | boolean | Whether the collection is a slideshow |- | unroole_sorted_playlist[rotation_speed] | | | 0 - 900 | The time between the items in the collection playing as a slideshow (in seconds).