Asset Widget

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Asset Widget Properties.png

property panel for Asset Widget

Asset Widget provides a simple way to add images, vidoes or file links to a page, layout or layout template through the Layout/Page Editor. To use the Asset Widget in the Layout/Page Editor:

  1. Select the Box where you want to place the images, videos or file links.
  2. On the properties panel click on the Box name, then click on "Box Properties" to expand the properties.
  3. Click on the blue "Add Widget" button and choose "Asset" from the Core Widgets. You will then notice a small box with "Asset is not assign or found." been added to the Box.
  4. Click on the "Edit" button in the small box that just appeared. Asset Properties panel will then appear.
  5. In the "General" section, you can starting typing the name of the asset you want to add, as you type a dropdown will appear suggesting names from your Asset Library
  6. Choose the Asset you want to add from the dropdown.
  7. You can also specify the dimensions for the Asset, or you can select some of the preset size using the "Asset Size" dropdown.
  8. If you only want to display a link instead of the actual image or video, check the "Display only link" option.
  9. After you are done setting the properties, click save and you should see the Asset appearing in the Box
  10. Like most widgets you can drag and drop the Asset Widget to move them around.