Theme Sharing

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Unroole Admin Panel - Themes Sharing.png

By clicking the share button of a theme the admin is able to make this theme public or move it to another Account.

Sharing theme's is a good way of moving a theme to another account that the user has access to without needing to go through the theme export/import cycle. Sharing a theme between accounts creates a copy of that theme that can be managed independently from the original. To share a theme follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Theme section of an Account or Channel.
  2. Select and view the theme to be shared.
  3. Click the "Share" button from the action menu.
  4. Adjust the name/description of the theme after it is shared.
  5. Select the locations to share this theme.
    • Publicly - Makes a copy of the theme for public use.
    • Accounts - Makes a copy of this theme on either the current or another account the user has theme management access to.
  6. Click 'Submit" to share this theme.

Unroole Admin Panel - Themes Sharing Form.png

Theme's can be shared not only to other accounts but also publicly on the system. Theme's shared publicly can no longer be managed by the original sharing user by can be used by all accounts.

Although a theme on an Account or Channel can be shared, only an Account can be used as a share destination. To share a theme specifically with another channel an admin must export/import the theme to the destination channel. To share a theme with a channel follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Theme section of an Account or Channel.
  2. Select and view the theme to be shared.
  3. Click the "Export" button from the action menu.
  4. Click "Submit" to export the theme to an archive.
  5. Navigate to the Theme section of the Channel used as the destination.
  6. Click "Upload a Theme"
  7. Select the previously created theme archive to upload.
  8. Click 'Submit" to add this theme to the channel.