Stylesheet Templates

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Revision as of 16:37, 4 July 2012 by Mbasset (Talk | contribs)

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Unroole Site Builder Admin Panel - Stylesheets Template Duplication.png

Copying a stylesheet from a channel to an account as a template.

Stylesheets templates are a good way to save commonly used templates. There are two ways to create a new template. The first way is to generate a new template from scratch just as you would a normal stylesheet but in the template section. The second way involves copying a stylesheet to a template. To copy a stylesheet to a template:

  1. Navigate to the stylesheet under "Channel Content".
  2. Click the "Duplicate" button
  3. Select "Account (as a template)" as the area to duplicate into.
  4. Click "Submit" to create the template.

After a template is created you are able to make changes to it just as you would a normal stylesheet. For compatibility reasons any changes to templates will not be reflected in the stylesheets created from them.

Unroole Site Builder Admin Panel - Stylesheets Template.png

The stylesheet template index page. It works and functions much like the channel stylesheet.

Note that stylesheet templates are saved on the account level and therefore any template is accessible within all channels under that account.